Jul 26, 2012

Surrender, Chapter 5: Brothers

Loki walked the golden halls and extensive walkways of the palace for hours, seething with animosity at L’Shale and the spirit’s attempt to break free. He would use the staff again—of that there was no doubt—but he would not allow L’Shale free reign of his mind again. It was too dangerous. Or was it? Would he dare to let the spirit in and control L’Shale within his own mind? Could he not set his own mental traps to snare the willful spirit? Now that he’d experienced L’Shale’s potential, could he possess it for himself instead? Would he dare attempt to control such a chaotic energy? Was it a power struggle he could win? These were the possibilities that bubbled in his mind, and he wanted to settle them before continuing with his plan.

It was a very late, or very early, hour by the time Loki approached Thor's quarters. He now wore an icy cold, determined demeanor in place of the smiles and snarls he effected towards Thor's companions. He squeezed L’Shale in his right hand as if it were a neck to choke. I hold your reins, and you will obey me.

He rapped twice on the ornate golden door that designated Thor's living quarters and did not wait for an answer to enter. He pushed open the heavy gilded door, and found Thor staring into the burning hearth of the oversized fireplace that ran the length of the room's sitting area. Thor looked up at his brother's entrance, a reserved smile blooming on his face.

"Brother, I cannot say I've expected a visit from you, but I am happy you have come. I see my offerings of conversation have not fallen on deaf ears."

Loki could have quickly completed his task and moved on, but he decided to play for a while. He wanted to see the look on Thor’s face as he turned the fool's stubborn, rock-hard will to dust. Loki began in a most humble tone, "Thor—brother," the endearing word was a bitter taste, but he continued, “I would share my thoughts with you, if you would hear them.” I will simply tell him the truth. If he chooses to see it differently than I do, however, that is another matter.

Thor was interested, of course, but he also clung to caution. He knew his brother all too well. When he brought Loki home from Midgard a month ago, he assumed his brother had been driven mad or fallen ill. Loki's calm, collected speech was somewhat unsettling to him now that he knew what crimes his brother was capable of committing. Odin had declared Loki safe to walk the palace without a guard, but Odin’s trust or not, he would not take unnecessary chances with his brother. "Of course I would hear your thoughts, brother. I see you have a new staff..." Thor eyed the staff in his brother's hands.

"Oh, this? It was just a pretty gift; a shame it is not more useful.” Loki walked farther into the room thoughtfully, gesturing with L’Shale as he spoke as if it were a royal scepter. L’Shale was a tool, after all. It had its non-magical uses. “I’ve realized much in the last month. I know that I have made mistakes in the past, and I do not wish to repeat them.” Loki swung L'Shale across the top of his shoulders, and walked at a slow pace as he strode the length of the fireplace. Thor stepped back several paces to give him room. “I have scrutinized every decision, every action, and every word I’ve spoken since I was last in Asgard. And I am...” he paused, searching for the proper word, “unsatisfied. You were correct in your assessment of my mental faculties. I have been lost for quite some time.” He gave Thor a look that might have been rueful, but the emotion barely touched his eyes. “Fortunately, I have had a revelation regarding my place in this realm." He paused at the far end of the fireplace awaiting Thor’s cue to continue.

Thor looked a little confused, but nodded attentively, “So where is your place then?”

“Why, by your side, brother.” He circled Thor, speaking close to his ear as he walked behind him. “My strengths compliment your own. I am meant to guide you, Thor.” Loki’s voice was smooth velvet, but he knew his words alone—however sweet—would not sway Thor. They never did. Thor was a man of action.

Thor turned quickly to face Loki rather than leave his back to his devious brother. His eyes briefly flashed a look to Mjolnir’s stand in his bedchamber beyond where they stood. “I have always valued your counsel, and it has been only your recent transgressions that give me cause to doubt your wellness. If you have atoned for your crimes, I would welcome your advice once more.” Thor’s face softened with the admission, “I have always had faith in you, Loki, and I would never forsake you.”

“Atone?” Loki’s voice swelled as he weighed the term. “Well...I am sorry for what I did on Midgard...”

Loki felt Thor’s apprehension begin to fade at his “confession”, and he paused to relish the moment as he contemplated his foolish brother. This revenge will be sweet. Oh, so sweet...

“...sorry that I failed.” With a sneer Loki quickly swung the staff behind Thor’s head and seized it as if to choke him with it. Thor grasped Loki’s arms reflexively as surprise and anger crossed his face. So close to him now Loki could even see the twinge of disappointment in Thor’s face. Oh, so sweet indeed... Scorn filled Loki’s voice now, “You’re going to be the one to fall this time, brother.” Abruptly the staff burned his hands as if it were a hot poker, but he held it tightly through the scorching agony. His eyes burned with a sharp pain, interrupting his focus and causing him to drop his deceptive guise. Thor could now see his true appearance caused by L’Shale’s continued use. Loki’s skin was gray stone and his eyes were two fiery red coals. Thor bellowed wordlessly as he struggled against the mountainous strength that held him—L’Shale’s strength.
Thor must do my bidding. Events must proceed flawlessly if Odin is to believe him. Heed me, L’Shale!

Thor beckoned to Mjolnir, pressuring Loki to regain control of himself before the hammer reached Thor’s outstretched hand. If Thor held Mjolnir, Loki’s advantage would be lost. Loki closed his burning eyes and regained his concentration quickly. He focused on the energy L’Shale was releasing rather than letting it run wild—he needed to harness it. He envisioned a rope binding the staff and pulled at it tightly with all of his might. The burning sensations receded, and he was able to gain his composure and replace his deceptive veil. His grip on L’Shale did not budge.

Loki spoke levelly with absolute confidence, “You will listen to me and obey my commands to you.” The statement was as much for Thor as it was for L’Shale.

Thor’s hand closed around Mjolnir’s handle for a moment before it thudded to the floor instead. He ceased his resistance and removed his other hand slowly from Loki's arm. Thor’s eyes shone with admiration, and an eagerness to please, “Anything for you, brother."

Loki removed himself from Thor’s neck and stepped back a pace. “And stop calling me that,” he commented disgustedly. Loki breathed a sigh of relief as his eyes fell upon the stationary Mjolnir.

Thor considered Loki for a moment, then dropped his eyes. “I am sorry if I have offended you.”

“Of course you are,” Loki said flatly. “Listen quickly and listen well. You must go to Odin at morning’s first light to seek audience with him...” Loki explained the rest of Thor’s instructions without delay.


Odin’s morning walk through the palace gardens was interrupted by a servant bearing an audience request from Thor. He thought it a little formal, but Thor observed traditions out of respect, and he appreciated that. Thor had grown wiser and more patient, if but slightly, since Loki’s disappearance, but his apprehension had increased tenfold since Loki’s return. Thor was caught between a rock and hard place—support the brother he loved or punish a treacherous criminal? Odin understood the internal struggle intimately. It was the same questions he battled with in his own mind, but no one need know when a king contemplates indecision. Such hesitation can cause the downfall of a regime.

Thor’s defense regarding Loki’s judgment had not been unexpected. Thor, ever the righteous hero in his heart, had always been protective of his younger brother. At Loki’s judgment after the Midgard fiasco, Thor stood for Loki’s support when no one else would.

“Father, Loki is not well. A sickness has befallen him, and we must do what we can to support his recovery.”

“I do not discount your wishes, my son, but he must answer for his destructive actions.”

“Father, I beg of you to show mercy. He is your son—my brother. We are his family. Who else would be fit to guide him? He is not evil, only lost. And I will do everything in my power to aid him.”

“Very well. Perhaps my guidance—our guidance—will prove beneficial. Loki will remain in Asgard until he is of sound mind and repents his crimes against Midgard.”

A brother’s love saved Loki that day. Since then Thor had tried to entice his brother to speak or spend time with him, but met with little success. Their short conversations were one-sided, Loki rarely offering more than murmurs about feeling fine and wanting to be alone to think. Thor became frustrated after several attempts and came to Odin with his predicament. “There are some wounds only time can heal, Thor,” Odin had told him. “Perhaps, in time, another opportunity to help your brother will present itself. But for now, let him be.”

Now, though, Odin wondered what questions Thor might bring before him today. He left the tranquility of the gardens for the throne room and his firstborn’s audience.

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