Nov 26, 2008


I feel it
between the frames and measures
in the midst of each breath
even in the silence
its melody ever present
it flows through my essence
shapes my reality
guides my experience
I accept what I am built upon

Nov 12, 2008

Unfocused Thoughts

After several factors surrounding my grandmother's funeral, I find myself in a different state of mind. I'd really like to stay in it to see what I can reflect on, but I'm sure it will shift.

Many have some opinion about the afterlife. I won't share mine here explicitly because I can't really explain it anyways. But, as more people I love pass away, I've come to trust that indeed I will see them again.

Life is a set of paths, chapters, spheres of influence, levels of conciousness, however you wish to think of it. The symbolism should be personal. No one views life in the same way.

I'm not sure what to focus on right now in my life. Not lost, just unclear...

Nov 5, 2008


Today, a day of change. I have the renewed energy to achieve my life's goals.

On a day where America has chosen a new leader, a man of change, I have renewed faith in my country to regain its honor and direction.

Some are hateful, but I have no reason to hate because I have hope. It hurts that some so close to my heart are holding pessimistic views, but I believe they want change as well.

This is an historic time in our country, a new beginning.

I want it to be a new chapter for me as well.