Apr 28, 2010

Forever Jung

The years, of which I have spoken to you, when I pursued the inner images, were the most important time of my life. Everything else is to be derived from this. It began at that time, and the later details hardly matter anymore. My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth from the unconscious and flooded me like an enigmatic stream and threatened to break me. That was the stuff and material for more than only one life. Everything later was merely the outer classification, the scientific elaboration, and the integration into life. But the numinous beginning, which contained everything, was then. --C.G. Jung

Apr 9, 2010

une belle petite fleur

vous êtes une belle fleur.
dérivant dans la mer.
qui allez-vous ramasser
et vous apporter à votre amour?

you are a beautiful flower
drifting in the sea
who will scoop you up
and bring you to your love?

oh, précieuse petite fleur
dérivant dans la mer.
qui va pendre votre coeur
et vous ramener à moi?

oh, precious little flower
drifting in the sea.
who will catch your heart
and bring you back to me?

Apr 7, 2010

Meet Me Halfway

The Dream:

We were in a fairly busy food court. As I spoke with Thomas, Guy joined us and sat next to me. Why did he sit next to me, I thought to myself wildly. He's Thomas's right-hand man. It took everything I had not to gaze at him. I tried to act casually as I continued my conversation with his best friend and counterpart, but all of my attention--everything in my being--was focused on Guy. Possibly sensing this, the exchange with Thomas dwindled, and I soon found myself relatively alone with Guy. We seemed to have our own conversation simply by sitting next to one another. We had not touched or looked at one another directly, yet we both conveyed love and understanding. Inwardly I yearned to hear him speak to me--to ask me to see him again. Outwardly I busied myself with my phone. My ego began to chide. It denied that he'd even sensed my wishes. Ego lashed at me, "Why would he want to be with you? You're no one. He doesn't even know you exist. See how he has ignored you?" Instead of fear, I gave love to ego. Before ego could jibe again, he spoke:

"Can you meet me in Missouri?" He turned to me ever so slightly so I could see his profile.
"Hm?" I perked up, frozen, but elated that he asked me to meet him. Missouri? As in halfway to LA?
"Can you meet me halfway?" Ah, not halfway literally...

Can you meet me halfway? Of course I can! I didn't answer aloud. Instead I let my head fall to his shoulder. He wore a beat up brown leather jacket that felt like love. It was so comforting I snuggled into his arm. He snuggled a little himself as an acknowledgment of my answer. We still had not seen each others' eyes. There was no need. We sat there together with love, oblivious to the rest of the world.

The Reflection:
  • I seem to be communicating more often in my dreams without speaking. Last night's dream was more of a conveyance with hope of reciprocation, which happened.
  • My confidence in unconditional love is growing. I'm catching myself more before making negative comments or having negative thoughts. It's more congruous to re-frame a situation and avoid negativity. It's easier to feel love than hate. And I'm very happy to have feelings of unconditional love for the day because of a dream.
  • My thoughts of Guy have changed since the pregnancy. I see him more as an equal to convey love to, instead of placing him above me. We are all equal, just different.
  • Can you meet me halfway? Does this have meaning? Or was it just a device of the dream? I'll think on it today and see where it goes.