Mar 28, 2009


What to do when it's all locked away?
Cannot compose, play, sing, paint, or build.
What to do when it can't be shared?
I would gladly show them, if they would look.
To have peace and balance, temperance of soul.
An ocean full of rage beyond a stoic cliff.
It can't be black and white.
Both or none?
What is it that you want?

Mar 10, 2009

Two Chairs

A blank grey room. Two round red chairs face one another, several yards between. I sit in one chair, he in the other. Both of us are absorbed in our own silent activities. We do not need to speak. We merely are aware of one another and appreciate the company. It does not matter why we have this connection. It simply is.

I look up to see frosted glass obscuring his half of the room. Why the sudden need to hide?

Mar 5, 2009

A Dream/On Love

He held me close, as a friend. Each of us needed comfort and support. We knew our faults and graces, no need to deceive. He knew my heart and I his. I wanted to know him forever.

Not of the deepest love, but closer than what exists now. Hands have not forgotten what time has sundered. I see his eyes.

In the madness he held me. Nothing else mattered.


This came from a dream about someone I want to know. Upon review it also fits someone I *do* know. The only difference is love. The one I know has my deepest love. That love is my foundation. But should love be subjected to partiality? Although we may love differently, love is still love.

That deepest love may extend to all. Do I not fight for its existence?

For CH

Always a parallel step
A familiar scene
Or feeling relived
Perhaps you know...
You intrigue me
Dreams do no justice
To your demeanor
Let us confide in one another
Presence and passion captivate them
Intellect and conscience neglected, unseen
I feel your sincerity
And I am smitten
As a friend enamored
Stay with me gently
Held close
As a friend true