Dec 15, 2008

Home is such a small world, and it is so far away...

As far back as I can remember, I've always been fascinated with a small cottage in the middle of a forest. There is ivy on the whitewashed walls. It's small, maybe two or three rooms at most. Nearby a quiet lake waits for skipping rocks and reflection. Some of the details escape me, but the feeling survives. The whole scene gives me the sense that I'm safe, I'm home. Nothing can harm me there, and I can stay there forever. I have yet to see inside the small abode, but I know I've been there before. I would take a trip there, but there is a problem:

It now only exists in my mind.

This is the home I've always dreamed of--the home I used to live in.

Dec 9, 2008

Musical Thoughts

When I can't possibly explain how I feel, undoubtedly there is a song that can express it. Life without music is an ocean without water. It moves me, supports me, drives me, drowns me.

Experiencing emotions vicariously through music... If you find meaning, is it still vicarious? Or have you simply found what was lost?

Dec 4, 2008

In its Entirety

How can I convey the sheer magnitude of the feelings, visions, and impressions that I have?

I sit at the brink of a boundless sea teeming with experience, energy, emotion... and endlessness. To know it and not share it is excruciating. As the tides change, my temperance waxes and wanes. From patience and calm to passion and anger.

Constant change, yet it remains the same.

Dec 2, 2008

Ebb and Flow

One friend rejoices that they will have a child.
Another friend despairs as their newborn may die.
Is this how it works?